
Professional Course 'Marketing & Pasta Design' - Advanced professional course on new products and marketing techniques in the world of pasta.

Professional Course 'Marketing & Pasta Design'

Advanced professional course on new products and marketing techniques in the world of pasta.


More info

For information and registration, please contact the e-mail address info@primo-piatto.it or the telephone number (+39) 0185 350206.

Duration: 3 days (7 hours per day)

Partecipants: The courses are planned for a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 12 official participants.

Teachers: The teachers of the course are all professionals with a long experience in the field.


at the end of the course, the certificate of attendance to the course will be issued.

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Day 1

Teacher: Danilo Curotto - Head of PrimoPiatto School

09.00 am presentation of teachers and course

  • The importance of marketing in business strategy
  • Marketing applied to the fresh pasta shop
  • Marketing applied to the restaurant with a pasta menu
  • The Baker's Syndrome in a pasta shop and how to avoid it

1.00 pm lunch

2.00 pm Case Histories experienced at an international level

4.00 pm question time

Day 2

Teacher: Alex Deplano - CEO GruppoMisto Comunicazione

09.00 am presentation of teachers and course

  • Imagining your own pasta business
  • Some numbers on Italian pasta in the world
  • The first valuable investment: the brand, research, construction and positioning

1.00 pm lunch

2.00 pm

  • Building product storytelling on the entrepreneur
  • Knowing the market: tools, actions and strategy
  • Successful Case Stories
  • Short note on generative AI in Lead Generation campaigns

4:00 pm question time

Day 3

Teacher: Rafaella Cittadini - Pastainmymind

9:00 am presentation of teachers and course

  • The new trends in the world of pasta.
  • Getting to know the guests, with a brief discussion based on their origin, to understand what their needs are. Survey to find out if they know about colored pasta and pasta design.
  • How and why to approach pasta design techniques.
  • Which colors and how to use them: how to stimulate perception, through knowledge of the use of proportions.

1:00 pm lunch

2:00 pm

  • Small introduction to Pasta design, materials, choice of colors and combinations, to achieve the desired results.
  • Which colorants to use: natural, what they are and how to obtain them
  • What are the potentials, who is this product aimed at.
  • Positioning on the market.
  • Costs in terms of processing and production times.
  • Closures and alternative formats
  • Demonstration

4:00 pm Question time


The courses will take place in Italian and in foreign languages.


Euro 800 (Reverse Charge may apply)





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Un corso che io raccomando a tutti. Danilo e Lidia sono super!!! Davvero dei professionisti.. grazie!!! ...

Roberto Tomarchio

Ho appena finito il corso e mi sento entusiasta, grazie per tutto (tanto) quello che ci è stato insegnato...tecnica e...

Catia Villa Passodoro Cartigliani

Ciao amici! Credo che questo corso sia eccezionale sopratutto se si ha la passione di imparare un mestiere. ..bye ...

Bubba Sabina

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